About The Program

Charles Webster Potter Place is a non-Clinical day program for adults with a history of mental illness. Potter Place functions as both a vocational and social rehabilitation center. Potter Place operations are based on the internationally acclaimed Fountain House in New York City and is referred to as a Clubhouse. We provide prevocational, vocational, educational and social programs.

Are you, or someone in your family, 18 or older, and facing mental illness?
Could you, or your family member, benefit from:

Help securing and maintaining a job
Help with taking a class or going back to school
Weekday lunches, prepared by members and staff
Social activities on the weekends for members
No cost for attending

Become a Member

There are three easy steps in our orientation process that have to be completed in order to become a member.


1) Take a tour with a current member and staff (about an hour long)
2) Complete and submit a referral form
3) Attend a Guest Day. (10:00am-2:00pm)


Employment Services

We provide employment services to all members interested in paid work or volunteering. The Clubhouse offers an array of services to assist you, from choosing employment that is right for you, to obtaining and maintaining a job. The type and level of support can vary depending on the Member’s needs, skills, and interest. Potter Place provides the Member’s with the opportunity to return to paid employment through Transitional, Supported and Independent Employment.

To learn more about Potter Place, our services and how we can support you please contact us.

Patricia Vella
Program Director, Charles Webster Potter Place Clubhouse

15 Vernon Street • Waltham, MA 02453
Tel: 781-894-5302
Fax: 781-891-3812

The Charles Webster Potter Place Clubhouse is a program of The Edinburg Center.
Visit www.edinburgcenter.org for more information.